Mileage Grid Mileage Allocations Report

MILEAGE Table Structure


NOTE: All MILEAGE related tables - MLGIMP (Imported Mlg), MILEAGE, HOLDING, MLGHIST (History) and MLGARC (Mileage Archive) have the structure described below.




Purpose - the Mileage Tables provide Mileage transaction data that may be imported from a variety of sources. In addtion, Mileage data can be entered manually or "Copied" from an existing record by pressing the Copy button on a Mileage form. Mileage data usually contains at a minimum Car Number, Month Earned, Mileage Rate, Loaded Miles, Empty Miles, Paying Road, SPLC and Total Paid. See the description below under each of these titles for additional information. In general, the Railroads "pass back" Mileage related earnings for the privilege of using a Car Owner's rolling stock, because they do not have to maintain as large an inventory of railcars themselves if they can use those built by others. The amount returned is dependent on the Mileage Rate multiplied by the number of (generally loaded) miles that the car travelled while on their line. For example, if a car under load travels 100 miles while on the UP at 36 cents per mile, the Total Paid will be $36.00. Railroads may also pay Per Diem based on the amount of time that a car is on their line, but that discussion is beyond the scope of this document.


TCSW assists in the capture and allocation of Mileage data by 1) allowing massive amounts of data to be imported into the TCSW databases, and 2) "tagging" each entry with a SUBLEASE Number by comparing the Car Number in the import table with the Car Number in PROFILE. This allows a TCSW user to pass back or "Allocate" Mileage Earnings based on Sublease Number and return earnings to Sublessees using the Mileage Allocations Report.





The following is an alphabetical listing of the fields in the Mileage tables. Many of the fields provided by the AAR have specific coded values and these values are explained below.


AAR Car Type Code -- this is the standard AAR car type code.


AAR Pool Code -- if the car is assigned to an AAR Pool, a code up to 7 digits in length will be displayed here.


Acct Type Code -- identifies the type of car hire allowance or recovery:


   10 Rule 1/11 and Private Cars

   20 Rule 1T/11T and Trailers

   24 Other

   40 Rule 4 - Revenue Bill

   50 Rule 5 - Arbitrary

   51 Rule 5 - Actual

   55 Rule 5 - Intermediate

   70 Rule 7 - Damaged - User

   80 Rule 8 - Damaged - Owner

   85 Rule 8 - Routed to Contract Shops

   86 Rule 8 - Disposition not required

  150 Rule 15 - Foreign Cars

  151 Rule 15 - Home Card

  160 Rule 16 - Embargo

  215 Rule 21 - Cancellation Charge

  221 Rule 22 - Plant Shut down

  222 Rule 22 - Assign CSR 16

  223 Rule 22 - Released from assignment

  224 Rule 22 - Held short of assignment

  225 Rule 22 - Assign other

  230 Rule 23 - Storage

  400 Special

  425 Bilateral

  450 Contracts

  500 Reserved for future use

  525 Reserved for future use

  550 Reserved for future use

  600 Trailer Relief

  800 CSR 5 empty mileage

  810 Special use charge

  820 Origin Detention

  825 Destination Detention

  850 OT-5 Private recovery

  860 Tax

  900 Mileage Equalization

  925 State miles - Private


Alloc. Code -- if available, this code indicates how mileage or time will be allocated.


Car Equalization Type -- this is a 1 digit code specifying the car type of equalization transaction.


Car Number -- these are the standard AAR reporting marks for the car. Generally, you won't need to change this field, but if you do, be sure to use 4 characters for the initial with trailing spaces, and six characters for the number with leading zeroes. Only "standard" car numbers of this type will match to the cars in Profile and Cumulative Profile.


CycEndDT -- the Ending Carrier date, converted to an actual date field.


CycStartDT -- the Starting Carrier date, converted to an actual date field.


Cycle End Date -- the end date for the current cycle, expressed in a 4 digit year followed by a two digit month.


Cycle End Hour -- identifies the cumulative hours within a month that the event occurred. The first hour of the first day of the month is 1, the first hour of the second day of the month is 25, etc.


Cycle Start Date -- the begin date for the current cycle, expressed in a 4 digit year, followed by a two digit month.


Cycle Start Hour -- identifies the cumulative hours within a month that the event occurred.


Date Earned -- this value is converted from the Month Earned value, and the day of "01" is added to create a valid date. This date is matched to Start Dates in Profile to find matches that allow the system to tag Mileage records with the proper Sublease Number.


Empty Miles -- the number of empty miles for the current mileage cycle.


Ending Carrier -- the carrier ending the cycle.


End City -- some systems convert the Ending SPLC (desribed below) to an actual city.


Ending SPLC (Standard Point Location Code) -- identifies the ending location. Your system may convert this to an actual city, as shown in the EndCity field.


End ST -- some systems convert the Ending SPLC (desribed below) to an actual state.


L/E (Load/Empty Status Code) -- E = Empty L = Loaded T = Total


Loaded Miles -- the number of loaded miles for the current mileage cycle.


Mileage Rate -- this is the value of cents per mile paid for the car.


Mileage Settlement Code -- this is for private car mileage settlements only:


  1 = Loaded or empty actual miles not sub-

        ject to equalization, pay loaded and


  2 = Loaded or empty actual miles subject

        to equalization, pay loaded only.

  3 = Loaded short route miles, empty

        actual miles, not subject to equal-

        ization, pay loaded only.

  4 = Loaded or empty actual operating

        miles not subject to equalization,

        pay loaded only.

  7 = Revenue billing miles not paid, not

        subject to equalization.

  8 = Equalization adjustments only.


Monetary Amount Appurt Value


Monetary Amount Penalty Value -- if a penalty is assessed, the amount will be displayed here.


Monetary Amount Time Value -- the total amount of time for the carrier adjustment or settlement.


Month Allowed -- this is the date that the payment was allowed, expressed in a four digit year, followed by a two

 digit month.


Month Earned -- this is the date that the mileage cycle completed, expressed in a four digit year, followed by a month number.


Owner's Marks -- these are the equipment owner marks identifying the equipment owner or recipient of the car hire amount.


Paying Railroad -- this is the carrier making the settlement or adjustment.


Payment Action Code --


  AJ = Adjustment

  FP = Complete

  FL = Final

  PP = Partial

  NS = Unknown


Penalty Code --


  0 = 0%

  1 = 10%

  2 = 15%

  3 = 20%

  4 = 30%

  5 = 0% (prior period)


Pvt Mileage Settlement Code -- this is for private car mileage settlements only:


  1 = Loaded or empty actual miles not sub-

        ject to equalization, pay loaded and


  2 = Loaded or empty actual miles subject

        to equalization, pay loaded only.

  3 = Loaded short route miles, empty

        actual miles, not subject to equal-

        ization, pay loaded only.

  4 = Loaded or empty actual operating

        miles not subject to equalization,

        pay loaded only.

  7 = Revenue billing miles not paid, not

        subject to equalization.

  8 = Equalization adjustments only.


Quantity Time Units -- the number of hours or days being allowed or deducted.


Rate Source --


  A = Agreed

  C = Contract

  T = Tariff

  U = Umler


Report Month -- this is the report month you assigned to the current mileage file upon actual import of the data.


ST -- the state, derived from the Starting Carrier SPLC code.


ST Code -- used by the system to determine the state, derived from the Starting Carrier SPLC code.


Start City -- the Starting Carrier city, derived from the Starting Carrier SPLC code.


Start ST -- the Starting Carrier state, derived from the Starting Carrier SPLC code.


Starting Carrier -- the carrier starting the cycle.


Starting Standard Point Location Code -- identifies the starting location.


State Mileage Report Value -- this may be used to report amounts earned in applicable states for state mileage reporting.


Sublease Number -- this is a twelve character code used to identify your subleases. This item is inserted into the file upon import if the car number and date earned range match to a record in Profile.


Time Rate Factor -- this value is used to calculate the time value, when available.


Time or Period Qualifier --


  H = Hourly time units

  D = Daily time units

  O = Other


Total Paid -- this is the total amount of the carrier adjustment or settlement.


Transaction Purpose Code --


  31 Allowance/Addition

  32 Recovery/Deduction

  33 Request for Payment (not used)

  34 Payment Declined (not used)

  35 Request Authority (not used)

  36 Authority to Deduct (reply - not used)

  37 Authority Declined (reply - not used)

  38 No financial value - Addition

  39 No financial value - Deduction


Contents Mileage Grid Mileage Allocations Report