Copying Records IMPORT



Most modules of TCSW allow you to "filter" the data you see in the Grid. The sample below from the Control Module will help to illustrate this process.




Filtering by Value


Pressing a filter button will allow you to 'filter' information contained in the currently selected grid. In the sample below, we've selected the PROFILE table and pressed the filter button. Filter Dialog information now shows the fields of information available for selection from the table. In our sample, we've selected Subls. Number and filled in the field value of TBI. We've also indicated a Search Type of 'Partial Match at Beginning' (of field) and we have not checked the Case Sensitive box, meaning we don't care whether letters are in upper or lower case.




When we click Ok we get the result shown below -- only records with a Sublease Number of TBI.




There are many nice features to TCSW filtering, but one advantage is that you don't have to have the field being filtered in view for the filter to be in operation. This allows you to see car numbers and start dates for cars that have GE Railcar in the Manufacturer field. We can also refine our filter. If we now filter on Car Number in addition to Subls. Number and place AEX in the value box, we will see only 1 car -- AEX 000941 in our result set.


NOTE: When a filter is in place for the current table, the filter check box will be 'checked'. To clear the current filter, you can select clear for each filter placed, or simply click to a different table in the GRID. This will automatically clear all filters currently in place.


Filtering By Range


You can also filter by a range of data. In fact, when you select Date fields, the Filter Dialog will automatically select a range filter, as seen in the sample below. Here we are filtering the LEASE table for Commencement Dates between 1/1/1992 and 6/1/1994.




You will find filters to be a very important and valuable tool in analyzing TCSW data.




Contents Copying Records IMPORT