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TCSW Invoice Entries
The TCSW Invoicing system handles the following types of Invoice Entry. The Code denotes the Invoice Code for the entry, and the Sort value indicates how the entry is sorted on the actual invoice. Note that it is possible to change the sort order on the Invoice by changing the sort value in the Invoice Codes table.
Code Description Sort
RE Regular Entries AA
BO Bad Order BO
DC Destroyed Car DC
TC Terminated Car DT
NC New Car NC
SC Sublease Change SC
MA Manual Adjustment XA
ME Maintenance Entries XE
MM Mileage Entries XM
Regular Entries
Regular Entries are the simplest type of Entry, and they do not require any user input as they are part of the PROFILE table already. Each Car Number in PROFILE has a Start and End Date. When a car is in service, it will generally have a Start Date entry.
NOTE: Cars in PROFILE must have Start Date entries within the reporting range to be included in an Invoice Run.
Start Dates may have a wide range. One car may have come into service on 1/15/90, while another may have come into service on 3/1/95. If the Invoice Run Date Range is 8/1 - 8/31/97, both of these cars will be included in the Invoice Run.
If a PROFILE record has an End Date, and the End Date falls within your selected date range, only days from the beginning of the month up to the End Date will be used in calculating charges. For example, if the Invoice Run Date Range is 8/1 - 8/31/97 and a specific End Date is 8/10/97, a charge will be calculated for the car from 8/1 to 8/10 only.
NOTE: This is true for Monthly Arrears invoicing, where the partial month charge is added to the total. In Monthly Prepaid, the charge from 8/11 to 8/31 is deducted from
the total, because it is assumed that the car was fully charged in the previous month.
Bad Orders
BADORDER charges will be calculated based on Date Out of Service and Date Into Service fields. For example, using our sample date range, and a Monthly Arrears Date Out of Service of 8/15/97, the car is charged from 8/1 - 8/15/97.
Destroyed and Terminated Cars
Charges are calculated based on End Date. For example, using our sample date range, and a Monthly Arrears End Date of 8/20/97, the car is charged from 8/1 - 8/20/97.
New Cars
Charges are calculated based on Start Date. For example, using our sample date range, and a Monthly Arrears Start Date of 8/5/97, the car is charged from 8/5 - 8/31/97.
Sublease Changes
In this case, the car is moving from one Sublease Service to another within the Date Range. In our sample Date Range, car JMWX000100 is moving from Sublease A to Sublease B. The car arrives at Sublease B's destination on 8/25/97. Sublease A is charged for 8/1 - 8/25/97 and Sublease B is charged for 8/25 - 8/31/97.
Manual Adjustment
When you create a Manual Adjustment you can make virtually any entry you desire. You can create a charge or deduction and specify a comment as to what the adjustment involves. You will tag the adjustment with a Sublease Number to identify where the adjustment should be made.
NOTE: Any Invoice Entry without a Sublease Number cannot be credited to a Sublessee.
Maintenance Entries
Technically, you won't make Maintenance Entries. The current Invoicing System will gather Maintenance records with a Repair Date matching the Invoice Run period. In our example, a total is calculated for all Car Numbers that have Maintenance records occurring within the Invoice Run time period. This may be shown as a charge on the invoice at your option.
Mileage Entries
Technically, you won't make Mileage Entries. The current Invoicing System will gather Mileage records with a Date Earned matching the Invoice Run period. In our example, a total is calculated for all Car Numbers that have Mileage records occurring within the Invoice Run time period. This may be shown as a deduction on the invoice at your option.
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